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  •  Annual Sports Awards

Annual Sports Awards Author:Samir Doshi   Posted On:2019-04-22


Excellence for each, for all.

The tag line for the sports awards evening summed up in five words the spirit behind sports in DI.

While each individual strives for excellence, the same individual ensures that he or she is carrying the others along and helping them towards excellence.

It is in the above spirit that sport has been played in DI over the decades.

To honour such excellence and team spirit the club got together on 20th April, 2019 at Indoors@DI for the annual sports awards evening for the year 2018-2019.

Awards were given out in more than 110 categories for 10 sports that were played- football, air rifle shooting,  darts, snooker, billiards, pool, table tennis, tennis, badminton and the sports intra club carnival.

The evening started with the Honourable President of the Club Shri Jayajit Biswas welcoming our guests of honour Shri Compton Dutta and Shri Pradip Choudhary, who have represented India in football and are also our club members. We were extremely proud to have them grace the occasion.


Our President in his welcome speech lauded the efforts of the members in keeping the DI flag flying high by excelling in sports not only in the club but also when going out representing the club. He hoped that members would continue doing well.

Our guest of honour Shri Compton Dutta congratulated the winners and  laid stress on how important it is for parents to encourage their children to step out and play.

Our other guest of honour Shri Pradip Choudhary in his speech recalled how he had become a member more than two decades ago and how vibrant sports was then in DI. He felt happy that the same vibrancy is still seen in the club’s sporting activities. He too encouraged children to keep playing and excelling.

 Shri Raju Raman, who is extremely versatile and full of wit, was our MC for the evening. He kick started proceedings by asking the audience to get up and warm up a bit in case they were feeling cold in the air conditioning -- just the way sports people warm up before playing.

Then one after the other he announced names of more than 100 winners of different sports and categories.  The winners were handed over their trophies by our Guests of Honour, the President, Council members and senior members of the club.

Three very special awards were also given out that evening.

The Life time Achievement Award in sports to the much deserving Steven Martin Fonseca. Over the years Steven has been an excellent sports ambassador of the club. He has achieved innumerable individual and team awards, both in Intra and Inter club events. The club, recognising his achievement, very proudly presented him this award.

The Best Sportsperson trophy was won by Saba Ali Firoz. There is hardly a sport which she does not play and excel at, be it tennis, badminton, darts, football, cricket. Again an award much deserved by her.

The Best Captain’s Award was given to Anandarup Paul, our cricket captain under whose guidance the team in the last two years has won a lot of inter club cricket tournaments. Many congratulations to him.

The DI is extremely proud of its members who unfailingly come out to play sports for the club and not only win but are also perfect ambassadors of the club in their conduct and sporting spirit.

The DI thanks the Members in charge of sports and the sports committee for all their hard work and support to the club.

Long live sports at DI.