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  •  The Library (Books@DI)

The Library (Books@DI) Author:Debjani Basak   Posted On:2023-03-21


Once the day’s work is done and one chooses to relax and spend some ‘me time’ in tranquility, the best way to do so is with a mug of chilled beer in the lap of nature admiring the silver moon or hunting for the Orion in the clear purple sky.

Really? In a city?

Well, well, relax. There are more ways to pamper oneself even for us Kolkatans ( Calcuttans huh?) I will tell you the next best but HUSH … let not word go around lest too many of your friends ( and foes) land up at our very own BOOKS@DI. Yes, you read it right.

The BOOKS@DI is a cozy corner that is stacked with 3000 odd books for you to dig your nose into and draw up some knowledge; smell the ‘aroma’ of paper and feel the rustle of turning crisp pages with your fingers. Trust me, as you dig deeper and deeper into the realm of books, it swallows you; not like a Venus-fly-trap but like a beautiful dream where there is light, there is joy, there is imagination and above all, there is awakening.

Anytime between 3pm to 9pm, Wednesday through Monday, dear members, you and your progeny can enjoy leafing through story books by various authors ranging from Enid Blyton to Dan Brown to J R R Tolkien. Might you feel the desire to open Encyclopedias or even search your souls with books on life and well-being, you are spoilt for choice. If you need to please your boss at work with extra info on any sphere, you may consult related reference books. Kids, beyond a certain age, can be encouraged to gather matter for their school projects too. Kids below 8 years must be accompanied by an adult. Craig, our Librarian, can't handle a creche! 

Like me, if you have the habit of taking a book to bed, please feel free to borrow a couple, for say, fifteen days, but do carry your Membership Card for our librarian to enter your good name (as an avid reader and a man/woman of wisdom) in his data-base. Happy Reading folks!

PS: A request to all members, who have some of our books in their possession, to kindly return them home, to where they belong.