Some secrets are best revealed as a surprise. All Fools’ Day was celebrated by the Library Team @DI. Over 45 children gathered, cheerful smiles adorning their faces as they came out of the exam-imposed hibernation.

Juniors, ages 10 and below and Seniors, ages 11 and above were divided to form 4 teams - A, B, C and D. Several new faces were seen and hence to get to know each other the Library Team had planned some fun IceBreakers. Ball passing, hopping races and Tunnel ball races, all were enjoyed with much cheer and cheering.

Up next was a session planned mainly to ensure we got to know each other a little better. Chits with names of either country or their capitals were distributed to children and the task was to find the pair. At the word ‘go’ pandemonium erupted with the now energised children trying to find their pairs. Soon pairs were formed and next they had to come up and introduce each other.

Up next was the Quiz, planned by our in-house brilliant quiz master, Debjani.
The first round called 'concepts and misconceptions' was a real brain tickler as children wracked their memories to come up with the correct answers.

Misconceptions about Alphabets and letters, land where the Sun rose first to the brightest star in the sky. Many correct answers were heard of and forgotten as misconceptions manipulated memory.
The Riddle round invoked many guesses. Aarav Chandak guessed that the odd number that became even with the removal of a letter was 'Seven' - his age!

As adults tried guessing what had 13 hearts and no organs, the children arrived at the answers more promptly. While Parth Raja correctly guessed that it was 'Light' that filled rooms but occupied no space, Suhana Choudhury thoughtfully added, sound did the same as well. It was evident that our children had put on their 'Thinking Caps' as they navigated the cleverly constructed Quiz by Debjani.
The 'Book Round' was up next and the skills of our avid readers were tested as they answered the cleverly constructed questions. Questions covered a wide range, with autobiography with 'The diary of a young Girl ', classics with 'David Copperfield ' and fantasy with 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory ' and 'Narnia'.

'Words from Words' came up next and each team was divided into Juniors and Seniors, with each group receiving their own sheets to form words from letters shared. Rules were explained with examples and soon the game started. Participants were engrossed with the task at hand. Brother and sister duo, Rayd and Mishal, left briefly to break their fast and returned faster, in time for the next round.

The next game required the children to put balls in buckets and the care had everyone cheering their teams. Leonardo and Craig manned the buckets as moanful Oooo followed misses and soon the older children in each team suggested strategies to bucket the ball.

The final round for the activity driven evening required the teams to split into two - Juniors and Seniors. The Juniors had a tangram made by Nushrat to solve and the seniors were given clues to enact and have their teams guess. The game of charades invoked much thought as the teams guessed the correct answers. The seniors joined the juniors in their teams who were still trying to put the tangram together.
The evening came to an end with the final points being tallied. The Winning team C received applause and as per tradition, a cake was to be cut. Usually, the cake is cut by the winning team, but on the red-letter April Fools’ day, the cake was cut by the team that scored the least.

The children had worked up an appetite and were given boxes from Saldanha Bakery with sandwiches, mini pizza and a chocolate chip cookie. A cool lemony drink accompanied the treat. The cake as usual was delicious and every last piece was consumed.
By the end of the evening everyone knew each other, cheering or teasing each other, a camaraderie had been established.

A big thanks to the Library team who come together to organise these fun filled sessions for our DI kids. 'Christmas-bells' Christabel, Craig, Debjani, Leslie, Leonardo, Nushrat, Rajashree and Roshan planned and facilitated the evenings activities.