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  •  Christmas Tree & Candy Cane Fete

Christmas Tree & Candy Cane Fete Author:Roshan Choudhury   Posted On:2023-12-26


‘Christmas is like a rainbow, lighting up the holiday sky.’

The crisp winter afternoon of Sunday, 17 December 2023 was perfect for Christmas Tree Tea planned by The Dalhousie Institute for its members.  Tables lined with white, green and red tablecloths made the lawns a pretty sight. Members greeted each other as they took their seats. By 4 PM the tea tables had been set up and in the true DI-Y style, members collected their tea and boxes of confectionery and enjoyed the Christmas tree Tea party. The confectionery boxes from ‘Dough as you like’ was full of delicious goodies – both savoury and sweet.   The kids’ box had a delightful Reindeer cookie which was a favourite with the children. The traditional Christmas fruit cake from Saldanha Bakery was exquisite.

Christmas songs played in the background, adding to the festive feel. While several members were seen in day-wear pastels, several donned their Christmas colour specials. All looked splendid as they celebrated the beautiful day together.

Debjani and Kemp, kept the tempo up with their Christmas quiz, going around tables, asking Christmassy questions. Some conversations with members revealed how many years they had been coming for the Christmas Tree Tea party.

Our creative member Neha shared that the beautiful red top she was wearing had been made by up cycling a Parsi embroidery saree of her mother in law. A splendid way to preserve heritage and give it another life.

Whilst the lawns looked festive and busy, something was missing, rather we had most of our DI children missing. They were found making merry in the Multi Sports arena, where a host of activities had been set up for them. Festive green and red balloons along with lines of colourful bunting lined the children’s area.

From the large trampoline which had our children bobbing up and down, the colourful toy train was a delight to watch and had our under 5-year-olds waving happily to their parents as they went around in their ‘chook-chook’ train.

Little crawl tunnels, jumping ladders, basketball etc had been set up and children could be seen moving from one station to another. Games stations with hoops, balls, paper cups etc had been set up for the kids.

Santa is the sparkle, shine, and jolly that every holiday needs.

Inside in the Bar we had Santa being helped by his helpers as he donned his Santa hat for the most important ‘gifted’ walk of the year. Warren had kindly agreed to be Santa this year and under his helpers’ careful ministrations, he was our happy Santa.

Ho ! Ho ! Ho ! Santa is here!

Our very tall and handsome Santa was greeted by our DI children as he stepped out into the lawns. Our generous Santa had sweet treats for all as he gave eager children and their mums chocolates. Ringing the bell of merriment and joy he and his excited little followers made their way to Indoors@DI where the rest of the DI children were seated waiting for Santa’s arrival.

Santa took to the stage.  Children by now had moved up from their planned positions at the long table behind to be closer to Santa. Such is the magnetic  magic of Santa.

Santa’s elves and helpers, Brinelle, Candy, Debjani and Shaheen got the shiny Christmas ball – the ‘bauble’ rolling.

We saw our newest and youngest, members, dressed in the cutest Santa and elf outfits being carried in their parent’s laps to collect their very first gift from Santa. It was a momentous occasion as excited parents took pictures with Santa.

Toddlers walked onto the stage, holding their parents’ hands. A little child was seen running off, as the sight of our loveable white-haired Santa scared him. By next year I am sure, the little boy will confidently walk up on stage and shake hands with Santa. From our youngest to our tweens and then our teens, our DI kids collected their gifts from Santa.

Out in the lawns, gifts were opened, and children were seen expressing their delight, from Doctor sets, to hover balls, to magnetic pads, to Xylophone pianos, Hamburger lamps, the gifts for every age was loved.

As the events of the evening drew to a close, members continued to sit around soaking in the festive atmosphere and enjoyed the company of their friends. The golden toony lights added to the festive glow.

The line up of back-to-back events has meant our team of committee members and volunteers have worked tirelessly to put things together. From planning, to wrapping of gifts, our members have given their time and effort to make things smooth. Visits to the factories to ensure both food quality and capacity to deliver our large order, before selection of the vendor for the confectionery boxes, ensured that everything happened timely.

As with large events, there may have been a few hiccups, but volunteer members have worked tirelessly doing their best.

Heart filled gratitude to all who have put in time, effort and so much more to make each event a success.