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  •  Make Your Point Through Debating Skills

Make Your Point Through Debating Skills Author:Shreya Datta   Posted On:2024-07-17



Make your Point: An evening of debate

Public speaking, one of the most useful skills to master, makes everyone nervous. However, with the debating workshop conducted by Mr Raju Raman on the 14th of July, 2024 with over twenty two enthusiastic kids, that nervousness vanished. The workshop was for children over the age of ten, with the youngest, Anannya Kasera turning 10 in a few days after the event. The Library Team carefully made four groups, a cohort with both older and younger kids. Raju Raman conducted the workshop with overall tips on public speaking, fun activities and Sunday evening ended with a lively (but heated) debate among the kids.

On a day of conflicting weather as well, the workshop began at Cowper’s Calcutta with a general discussion with all the kids on the qualities of a good speaker – confidence, knowledge of the subject, body language and even voice modulation. All these inputs were provided by the eager kids. Raju had brought worksheets which the kids could take home. Soon, the larger crowd was divided into four teams for the activities. Each group had a mentor who could help whenever they asked. The first activity included intense group discussion and deliberation among the groups on two motions close to their hearts– This house should ban zoos. Each group sent a representative after ten minutes to put forward their arguments and “make their point.” For the second activity, the groups had to come up with points both for and against the motion “Parents should be seen more and heard less”. This tested how well they can think on the spot and discuss with kids of all ages.

During a short tea break, the kids were on to other serious business– preparing for the final debate while parents and audience were treated to tea and biscuits at Zach’s. There were two motions that were given, the sides were randomly assigned and a period of fifteen minutes given for preparation. With the worksheets provided, the kids put their newly learned skills to use. Team A and Team C debated on why mobile phones should be allowed in classrooms and Team B and Team D debated on why CCTV cameras should be removed from classrooms. The first debate was chaired by Christabel D’ Gama who summarised the points and kept all the kids very comfortable. Team A had older kids but that did not stop the younger lot from asking important and well framed questions. However, the audience was not convinced and voted that phones should not be allowed in classrooms, hopefully they weren’t swayed by their own opinions. The second round was chaired by Shreya Datta. Both teams did not hesitate to shoot daggers through their speeches and questions as to why CCTV cameras should be removed from schools. The motion fell, as the encouraging audience believed that the opposition spoke more fluently and eloquently.

The workshop ended with sumptuous snack boxes for the participants.

The evening proved that no matter their age, all kids, despite being nervous first timers could frame arguments and explain their points with patience and conviction. The workshop, ably conducted by the veteran Raju Raman, bore fruits which were visible and will stay with all participants for a long time. Once again, this novel event would not have been possible without the continuous support and enthusiasm of the Library team: Leslie D’Gama, Roshan Choudhary, Christabel D’Gama and Shreya Datta with Tanya Robinson looking after the food!