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  •  Christmas steals hearts at the DI

Christmas steals hearts at the DI Author:Roshan Choudhury   Posted On:2018-12-23


Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

Carol singing, a tradition in DI is just as much as it is around the world. Children and their parents look forward to this season. This year when DI decl;ared an expression of interest for participation, we had over 60 children and adults volunteering. Each year members come together to make the Carol Night a night to remember. This year an adaptation of the famous 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' by Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel was suggested, selected and adapted. What emerged was "How Christmas Stole the Grinches" - based on an idea by Hillary Chatterton, one of our members, and developed into a script by the DI team led by Jr VP Leslie D'Gama. The play had solo and duet singing, dances, action and speaking.

Practice makes perfect
Every performance needs practice and preparation. Thus started the practice sessions, every weekday evening. From selection of people for parts, and songs to ensure all eager participants get to perform; to choreography suited for each age group. Everything needs plenty of the 3 P's I learnt ... Planning, Perseverance and a very healthy dose lof Patience. Children who were yet to reach the grand old age of 5 were given special roles of cherubs, angels and of course sheep accompanying the Shepherds. They really got into their roles as they kept running away. Our musical had several dances - the kids on the street dance, the elf dance, the star dance, the angel dances, and the hip hop Dancing Santa. Each dance needed the guidance of our brilliant in-house choreographers, Natalie and Rhea. Natalie, unfortunately couldn't be there for the final performance since she was traveling to Australia. The Grinches' dance was beautifully choreographed by Meghna, Horribella Grinch herself.
We had volunteer mothers who helped the Director, Leslie, to put together a musical play in such a short period of time. Groups on whatsapp were formed for smooth and updated communication. Almost every weekday in the last three weeks, has seen mothers rushing in to get their children on time for the practice, children learning their steps, the actors practising their parts, the voice-overs practising theirs, and the Director trying to co-ordinate the different groups. Whilst everyone had their own special part in bringing this musical to life, there was one common thread running through this all. It was this thread that made each person volunteer time and effort out of their busy schedules to make this happen. It was this thread of happiness and joy in doing things together, building memories of a lifetime, which brought people from different communities, different walks of life together in this joyous season of Christmas. We often saw our teenage Shepherds running after their little sheep and ox, picking  them up to get them on stage. Everyday after practice, children could be seen playing for a bit in their very own 'Uncle Alan's Park's, before rushing off to complete their homework and studies. 

Fathers, doing the all important duty of ferrying their children to and from practice were soon roped in into being the three wise men, the kings in the Nativity scene. The royal appointment meant that now the fathers had to report for their own practice, discuss costume options. From togas to birthday suits, several funny ideas were discussed and discarded, all in the joyous spirit of the season. 

Soon it was time for the all important costume discussions. By now, everyone, comfortable in their roles wanted to improvise. Hilarious discussions ensued. Shishir, as Mr.Brown thought a smoking pipe and a beret would complete his look, specially since it was supposed to be snowing outside. The Director Leslie, was worried Mr. Brown would end up smoking the mike and singing into the pipe! Finally, in the  greater interest of protecting the environment, the smoking pipe idea was doused. 

The last two days of practice saw the dress rehearsal and the tech rehearsal with music, lights,  all an important part in making the final performance a success. Special mention must be made of the tech team - Aanya, and Rhea - who put together the lights, the sound and the background music for the entire play.  After practice, The Entertainment team of DI, would arrange snacks and juice for the hungry and happy participants.  The choir practice followed each day after the play practice.

Behind the scenes on D-day
Make up, hair, costumes, props...were the shouts that could be heard in the changing rooms. Little girls pouted and piroutted as they dressed for the play, enjoying the attention and the gentle touch of the rouge brush on soft cheeks. It was a completely different picture with the boys. They squirmed and tried very hard to wriggle out of  what they called the 'hot seat'. 

Men, dressing up as the wise men in the TT room, enjoyed being the live mannequins of our costume experts Brinelle and her team. Soon they looked wiser and suitably royal, under the enlightened ministrations of our costume experts. Golden crowns adorned the heads of the wise men who seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. Clinton aka Joseph rushed in, beating the traffic, just in time to don his costume. Time flew and it was time for the program to start. 

The MC Raju Raman took the stage and opened the evening requesting everyone to settle down. The DI Choir team took stage and belted out one beautiful Carol after another. The DI Choir comprised the young and the old in harmony and was conducted and accompanied by Derek Fernandes.

 They sang both traditional and new Christmas carols and songs. The Audience could be seen tapping their feet to the beat and singing along. Three men adding the baritone to the rest of the female choir. 

Soon it was time for the play to begin. The opening scene had children playing on the stage. One scene rolled into another. The musical play, with dances and singing looked stunning on the stage. The Grinches' performance was spectacular and held the audience mesmerized. Each dialogue was said with such power and expression, that the one would be forgiven for thinking that they were professional artistes.

The Brown family, the Grinches, the elves, the orphans, the stars, the angels, the Holy family, the Shepherds, the three wise men, the voices, the tech team, everyone did their parts to the best of their ability and what resulted was a play that was enacted beautifully. Even the little sheep, oxen and cherubs, played by the littlest members of DI, never went astray. Quite a feat I would say since going astray is what our littlest members practised most during the practice sessions. The humourous dialogue penned by Leslie had the appreciative audience chuckling. 

As all good things must come to an end, so did the play. All 60 plus people who participated in the play came up on stage and the DI choir lined up and received brilliant applause. 

A magnificent performance of this magnitude required tremendous hard work and dedication from all, Kudos to Tanya, Shaheen, Brinelle, Natalie and the Entertainment Team for all the hard work, Leslie for the script and direction (and a bit of screaming) and the soloists, Shishir, Alisha, Meghna and duet by Imaan and Noyonica.  And of course, the 60 strong cast with their parents who made it happen.

The feedback:
"It was Broadway...if you have been to Broadway you understand the work that goes behind. DI has never had anything like this...for me this was Broadway at DI." said Tapan Desai.

Mohit from Singapore, over for the weekend, said, "It was fantastic, and this has made my Friday evening. Managing about 70 people is not easy and Leslie has done a fantastic job".

"A very well put together show which was an absolute festive heart warmer. Loved every bit of it." Samir Doshi.

The Barbecue was ready promptly on time and well organised. Senior citizens and children were their first to enjoy the food. We had options of veg, chicken, beef and pork for the barbecue. The grills could be seen cooking the meat to perfection. Accompaniments such as Russian salad, cold potato salad, kachumbar salad along with sausages, cold cuts, dinner roll etc were laid out. Expecting crowds, the desserts and cold cuts counters were kept separately. The caramel custard and apple pie were much in demand.  The festive gaiety continued well into the night.

Photographs in this article are by Roshan Choudhury and Peter Hyrapiet. Professional photos and a DVD of the event will be available shortly.