Each year DI celebrates the true spirit of this season, the joy of giving, by inviting and hosting a Christmas party for underprivileged children. Members are welcome to contribute gifts which all goes into making a small hamper for our lesser fortunate friends. As always, this year too, we celebrated Christmas with children supported by the Bustee Welfare Centre, an NGO.
The grey skies and intermittent drizzle couldn't dampen the expectations and joy on the lovely faces of the 61 children from the nearby areas who came to DI on the afternoon of 17 December 2018 to celebrate Christmas with us.
The entertainment Committee, led by Tanya, looking at the grey skies, made the decision to host the full array of activities planned in the warm and inviting comfort of Indoors@DI.
Tables were laid out for our little guests, gifts packed and ready and food boxes neatly stacked. Tanya, Brinelle and Shaheen, had spent the last couple of hours getting everything organised and ready for our little champs. Our waiters and staff at DI chipped in by arranging the tables swiftly and helping with the packing of the gifts for the children. Shubham volunteered to be the emcee for the afternoon and added his warm welcoming touch to the cold day. The stage was set.
Accompanied by their teachers, our little girls and boys arrived, wearing their blue uniforms. Their infectious smiles and glint in their eyes said they had been eagerly waiting to come and celebrate the wonderful season of Christmas. Soon they were seated and Santa called upon them to share with them their gifts, beautiful school bags filled with goodies. Colourful badminton rackets, fancy pencil cases, stationery sets, chocolates and a lot more, filled the bag that each child got. The happy smiles on their faces told us that they loved their gifts from Santa.
A tattoo artist, very thoughtfully arranged by Tanya, at the last minute, meant that our little guests could indulge in getting their favourite tattoos painted. This was a big hit with the children. They could be seen showing off their tattoos to their friends.
More activities lay ahead. A magic show had the children both laugh and gaze in wonder as colourful umbrellas, handkerchiefs etc magically appeared and disappeared.
The activities made all hungry and delicious goodies were served. Each child got a box of savouries and sweets, similar to those given the day before to our DI kids at the Christmas tree party. Francis from Maxim's at DI also sponsored boxes full of warm pakoras and fish orly for the children, perfect for the rainy afternoon. Children were seen relishing the burgers, pizzas, muffins, chocolate cakes and a lot more which had been laid out for our little guests. Impeccably behaved, the children sat at the tables and munched on the treats and sipped the juice.
Time flew and it was time to say goodbye. Greetings of Merry Christmas and Thank Yous lingered on as they left, leaving us all with a lovely warm feeling in our hearts. Members of DI should feel proud as today we truly celebrated the joy of giving.
[Editorial Note: The team received a message from the Bustee Welfare Centre today, expressing their happiness.]