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JazzFest Delights the DI Author: Debargho Sarkar   Posted On: 03 Dec 2018

One of winter’s main calendar events in the city, the Kolkata Jazzfest 2018 kicked off with aplomb last Friday at the Dalhousie Institute courtyard. ...
Questions are the Answer Author: Daniel Johns   Posted On: 27 Nov 2018

Over 30 Members participated in the Members Fun Quiz on Saturday evening. The teams comprised people from all ages and generations mixed and matched on the spot. This...
DI Carnival Ushers in Winter Author: Roshan Choudhury and Debargho Sarkar   Posted On: 27 Nov 2018

That the Winter Carnival on Sunday November 25th at the DI was an unqualified success, is needless to reiterate. The numbers spoke for themselves.  35 Food stalls...
DI KIds and the Great Outdoors Author: Roshan Choudhury   Posted On: 18 Nov 2018

In India we celebrate Children's Day on the 14th of November while internationally Children's Day is celebrated on the 20th. DI is certainly celebrating both a...
Dhaak Dhunuchi music and barbecue Author: Roshan Choudhury & Amit Dutta   Posted On: 06 Nov 2018

Dhunuchi, Diwali and divine music Roshan Choudhury writes on the entertainment of a spectacular evening. Bijoya, marking the victo...